Parsonsia straminia
also known as Silkpod, Monkey Rope, Parsonsia. Common Silkpod
Common in New South Wales and Queensland Australia, this dogbane family woody vine has woody stems reaching 9 cm in diameter, extending approx 20 meters into the tree canopy with adventitious roots. When cut, the vine will produce a clear pale brown sap. The leaves are leathery arranged oppositely in pairs along the stems, yellowish green on upper surface, pale green-gray underneath, measuring approximately 4-24 cm in length by 1.5-8 cm in width. The leaves are elliptical to oblong-ovate in shape, with round or heart-shaped bases. They produce a fragrant pale yellow flower from November to June, followed by slender pods 10-20 cm in length that split to release feathery seeds from September-December.
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tags: Parsonsia straminia, silkpod, monkey rope, common silkpod
- n.d. “Parsonsia straminea” in “Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants”. Website referenced 6/22/21 at
- Harden, G. J. & Williams, J.B. 1996 “Parsonsia straminea (R.Br.) F.Muell.” PlantNET. website referenced on 6/22/21 at
- Wikipedia n.d. “Parsonsia straminea”. Website referneced 6/22/21 at
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