
Oracles and Prophecy: Divination and Tarot

Leaf McGowan, is a notable Diviner and Reader who has been reading tarot cards and providing omens publicly since the 1980s. A gift bestowed from introductions by his mother at a very young age, Leaf professionally reads cards and oracles for those needing divination, augury, and/or guidance. Spiritual guide and leader for numerous magical groups, groves, and covens – Leaf is both a Druid, Witch, and Faeid.

As “Akhenaten” and “Oisinu”, Leaf served as coven organizer and high priest for several covens in the Tallahassee, Florida area from 1986-1999 including Spirit Song Tribe that was part of the Tree Leaves’ Folk Fellowship. As “Cypress Knee” Leaf served as Senior Druid for the ADF Wakulla Cypress Grove in Tallahassee, Florida from 1991-1993 and the Ancient Forests Protogrove in Eugene, Oregon in 1993.

He served as a coordinator and co-nest organizer for the CAW Outpost Nest in Eugene Oregon at the same time. He served as Regalia Director for ADF from 1992-1994.

He was one of the co-owners of the Leaf and Dragon shop in Ashland, Oregon from 2014-2015. He has served as Director for The Tree Leaves’ Folk Fellowship from 1991 to its end in 2016. He also served as Editor for The Tree Leaves’ Oracle journal from 1991-2003. He has also taught “Introduction to Neo-Paganism”, “Introduction to Magic”, “Introduction to Witchcraft”, “Druidism 101”, “Druidism 202”, “Creating Magical Spaces”, “Intro to Folk Magic”, “Magical Songs Workshop”, “Introduction to Divination”, “Candle making 101”, “How to Make Incense”, “How to Make Oils, Brews, and Ointments”, “Massage Oil Workshop”, “Bath salts Workshop”, and “Magical Theory” from 1991-2003 for a variety of schools and organizations such as Tree Leaves’ Folk Fellowship, “Free Spirit”, Wakulla Cypress Grove ADF, Ancient Forests Protogrove, Center for Participant Education at Florida State University, and many smaller groups.

Leaf offers Tarot and Oracle readings using Reed’s The Witches’ Tarot, Froud’s The Faeries OracleThe Druid  Animal Oracle, and The Celtic Tree Oracle.  He also utilizes scrying, pendulum, oracular body painting, tea leaf readings, and palmistry on occasion during complete lessons.

Leaf is currently based on the West Coast as a wandering Techno Nomad. Appointments can be made by phone, email, or Facebook for the base prices listed below.

Group rates are also available as well as for parties, shows, festivals, fundraisers, nightclubs, and events. Leaf has professionally read and relayed oracles in Australia, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Holland, Italy, England, Scotland, Ireland, most of the United States, and parts of Canada and Mexico.

Personal Readings:

  • Full Reading: $100.00
    (includes up to 3 yes/no questions)
  • 5 Card Spread: $50.00
  • Yes or No Question: $25.00

Readings can be done in person or via the Internet using Facebook or Skype. Readings can also be done over the phone.
Internet or long-distance bookings require pre-payment via PayPal.

To set up an appointment whether via the Internet (skype/Facebook) or person-to-person, please call 1-303-586-1792 in North America or Canada or email darkleaves@gmail.com.